On 17th of March in 2011, on Thursday,
Stopping first the nuclear power plants in Fukushima , the end justifies the means, as concerning to the East-Japan earthquake disaster.
I suggested we should use a sandbag and an oil fence to surround the plants along the coast. We should not leak the refrigerate coolant in the ocean.
Otherwise, the water has contaminated Pacific rim.
It is most important things whatever we refrigerate the reactor and however we stop reaction quickly.
They said they use a cooling device with a power generator in reserve first and they will bring other ones.
Next we heard they were planning to use a boric acid solution and water.
But they are afraid radioactive substance to fly in all directions.
t is most impotant things whatever we refrigerate the reactor and however we stop reaction quickly because prevention of radiation leak.
( the melt point of iron is 1315℃ and the boiling point of it is 2750℃. Is it true I heard the temperature of reactor is 2000℃?
When burning hydrogen becomes 1900℃, the too hot reactor will change the plant building into destroyed one.
I want to know how to refrigerate the reactor when the announced explosion means 1900℃ hydrogen or 100℃ steam.
Please tell us to be able to refrigerate the reactor by normal water, specialist every country.)
In every respect, let’s surround and refrigerate the plants from number 1 to 6 of both Fukushima and Onagawa.
Because a radiation shield is used thick concrete and water pool,
Can we make a huge caldera by concrete included the plants number 1 to 4 and refrigerate and shield them?
A huge caldera is made alike claiming land from the sea. Put huge tetra pots and smaller tetra little by little and surround the plants by them along the coast.
Then it covered with concrete.
Can we pour the water our government says ( the method may be accompanied by risk of a phreatic explosion ) pour a boric acid solution (we do not know we can get so much ), or concrete (we do not know it can harden soon) in the caldera.
Of course, there is the risk of a flood without the foundation work.
I know there are the many problem of electric systems of reactors
And nuclear fuel leaks in the caldera, too.
But we should surround and shield neutron beam as soon as it is cooler than after when we think about after a few mounths and a few years.
It is better that we have much time to make the foundation work if we reclaim the area within radius of a few km.
I will leave it to the decision of the Japanese and foreign specialists, government and Tonen from now about the radiation shielding.
Dr.Tetsuji Imanaka
Dr. Ernest J. Sternglass
(A bold type correct on 19th of April in 2011, on Tuesday,).
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