4th of April in 2011, on Monday,
The demagoguery of “the radioactive rays have no effect on a descendant” is true or not, about the East-Japan earthquake disaster
Some audience listens to
“Though the effect of radioactivity does not descend any hereditary disease , it influences one’s family’s prosperity.”on TV.
1. A bad effection of gonogenesis
It is hard to make gamates as the children who have chromosome aberration because their homologue chromosomes could not make into synaptonemal complex ( bivarent chromosomes) and their chromosomes could not divide into two cromatids. That is the children’s chromosomes will be not able to do reduction division.
The reduction division means a couple of chromosomes from mother and father separate and enter into gametes each other. It makes a sperm and an ovum have a set of every gene from head to foot.
(It influences one’s family’s prosperity because the grandchildren have the chromosomes of translocation and deletion descended from the children’s chromosomes if they could make their germ cells. Chromosome aberration risen serious trouble is similar that Reptilia evolves Aves or Mammals suddenly.)
2. Radioactivity does not make the new gene of hereditary disease.
Many hereditary disease have recesive charactors and two recesive genes causes illness though dominant character’ s illness needs one dominant gene.
3. “The effect of radioactive rays on their DNA”
The radioactive rays damage doublehelical DNA (deoxyribonuclic acid) in the chromosome.
A main ingredient of chromosome in a nucleus of cell is DNA made of deoxyribose, nitrogen base and phosphate ion. The arrangement of DNA decide how amino acids arrange like a chain and what kind is protein.
Because of the translocation and deletion of chromosome, “bad alphabet of DNA” translate another protein and cause maldevelopment.
If the rays damage some stem cells and gamete, it is difficult to change to a white blood cell and sperm. Most of the embryos will die in order of a freak of a life-support machine.
Then radioactive rays does not make the dominant gene the new recesive gene of hereditary disease.
It is not the demagoguery that the effect of radioactivity does not descend any hereditary disease.
27th of March in 2011, on Sunday,
My watching and my opinion of TV program NHK, the Japan broadcasting corporation, and about the East-Japan earthquake disaster
My watching and my opinion of TV program NHK, the Japan broadcasting corporation, and about the East-Japan earthquake disaster
The program carried the solution of serious shortage rich in contents today. The news commentator have many definity plan. I aim for realization them soon.
I met some vague ideas of saving soon they did not say how to do before.
There are many partial views and pictures for example shocking sensational pictures belong coastal area and refuges.
Some reporters said a few victims plundered each other by force in the Sendai city though Sendai was a city of a million population and had less building collapsed than other cities near coast in the earthquake.
According to commentator’s speaking, mass transpotion of food aids and daily necessaries should progress with rescue work.
1. packing of various medicines proportional distribution as population composition
Don’t worry about the surplus.
2. a rescue base and a lodgement put in every primary school.
Give a food aid and take a information from a victim.
3. a double-track line of transpotion
By liner, by helicopter
In my opinion,
We make temporary commercial distribution centres in Akita city in order to revival other prefectures in Tohoku district though there are them of a convenience store, a supermarket and a petroleum camp in Senday.
Though Yamagata is in the central of Tohoku, Yamagaga and Sendai are near Onagawa atomic power plants far big harbour , railway and highway in Nihonkai .
We should make the centres from some empty building in orded of using for a long time and remove working people and their family there from Sendai to Akita .
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